Although we are Christian, we have no dogmas or creeds that you must believe in order to belong. Rather, we agree to be a community of faith and love, each bringing and sharing our own beliefs about Jesus, the Bible and spirituality…while respecting each other’s views. (Sometimes that’s challenging, but it’s always interesting!)

The United Church of Christ, of which we are a part, is best known for our progressive stands on social issues. We are the original Pilgrims, preached revolution in 1776, ordained the first African American in history in 1787, ordained the first woman in history in 1853, marched with Martin Luther King Jr. and Cesar Chavez in the ‘60s and ‘70s, and ordained the firstly openly gay person in history in 1972. We continue to embody that progressive Christian history as we move forward with commitments to Eco-Justice, interfaith dialog, and the separation of church and state.

At Sixth Avenue UCC, we encourage each other to:

Integrate spirituality and social justice

Grow in loving kindness

Care for the earth

Do the next right thing

“All that is required of you is to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.”

– Micah 6:8