Prayer Shawl Ministry

This group meets periodically after the Sunday morning worship service to create comforting shawls in a spirit of prayer. All those who knit or crochet are encouraged to use their skills to create shawls, which will be given to those experiencing illness, recovery, loss, or joy.

Mental Health Awareness and Support

This group meets in the Narthex once a month after the Sunday morning worship service to discuss, share, and support one another in various topics around mental health issues.

Gardening Group

This group consists of volunteers who till, plant, weed, water, and care for the plants on Sixth Avenue UCC’s property.

Young Adults Group

Young adults are invited to meet after the worship service for a time of fellowship and discussion. We will provide lunch and childcare until noon for those participating in this conversation.

Centering Prayer Group

The centering prayer group meets in the Narthex on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday and on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.